Advertise in our Weekly Newsletter
Want more exposure for your ad? Or, perhaps you want folks to know about an upcoming event within your shop or about a new product coming soon? – Then, you are in luck; You can now advertise in our weekly newsletter! The weekly newsletter reaches all AWCI members, many watch and clock companies, and more via email!
Rates for the newsletter are as follows:
- $100 per week (one email newsletter)
- $400 per month (one email newsletter per week for entire month)
- $1,000 per three-month period (one email newsletter per week for entire three-month period, discount of $200)
- $2,000 per six-month period (one email news letter per week for entire six-month period, discount of $400)
- $4,000 per year (52 email news letters total, discount of $800)
Advertising in Horological Times
Get your message in front of more than 1,500 watchmakers, clockmakers and industry partners.
Targeted Market Coverage
Horological Times is the only monthly U.S. magazine reaching the watch maker, clock maker, and the industries that serve them. It’s a cost-effective, valuable tool for your marketing and promotion. Horological Times reaches approximately 1,500 horology professionals in the U.S. and across the globe. Maximize your exposure to the clock and watch repair businesses that use your material, equipment and services every day.
Double the Power of Your Message with Combo Magazine/Web Advertising
Web Advertising banners sold in increments of 3-months minimum: 360 x 95 pixels. Viewers will be able to click on your ad to view your website (must provide link to your website).

Website Ad only: $275 month
Combo discounts for 3-month magazine advertisers: $225 month
Combo discounts for 6-12 times a year magazine advertisers: $200 month
Call for other discounts on longer-term web ad schedules.
FREE Editorial Focus for Frequency Advertisers!
12x Frequency Advertisers: For topics of interest to our readers, we will consult with you to develop an article about your business, products or industry during the year of your advertising schedule.
Submit a Press Release or Story Idea
Have news or a story of interest to our readers? Click here to contact the editor.
Want to be a Contributing Author?
Click here for more information.
Contact the Editor
James Sprague, Editor, Horological Times Magazines & Books
1-866-367-2924 ext. 203
(513) 367-9800
HT Classifieds Section
Help Wanted Ads:
You have a couple of options for help wanted ads.
Option 1
For quicker service and worldwide visibility, “Help Wanted” ads can be placed via “Career Center” located on our website; The Career Center allows you to create an account and choose the package that best suits your company’s needs (Career Site Instructions). It’s a great opportunity to reach out to thousands of viewers worldwide. Based on the package you choose, you will have the option to click on the pop-up box for a FREE 75-word ad for the Horological Times. AWCI will be notified via email if you choose to place your ad via the website. AWCI will also be notified of any “Print” Ad for the Horological Times.
Option 2
Classifieds Section of the Horological Times (HT)
Print Ads requested via email are solely placed in the Horological Times: A minimum of three months is required to place an ad in the HT Classifieds. Price for regular text ads is $1.10 per word. Display Ads are $47.50 per column inch (this includes logos, borders, etc.). If you would like to place an ad in the HT and/or need assistance with your ad, please email
The deadline to place an ad in the HT is 30 days before the first of the month in which you plan to run your ad.
Buy * Sell * Trade * Services:
The classifieds section of the Horological Times is used for the watch or clock industry who wish to buy, sell, trade, or promote their business as well as hire help. A minimum of three months is required to place an ad in the HT Classifieds. Price for regular text ads is $1.10 per word. Display Ads are $47.50 per column inch (this includes logos, borders, etc.).
If you would like to place an ad in the HT and/or need assistance with your ad, please email
Horological Times Advertising Policy & Editorial Policy
Advertising Policy
Editorial material and letters of opinion are invited, but reflect the opinions of the authors only and do not represent the views of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWCI), its directors, officers or employees. AWCI reserves the right to edit all submitted materials and is under no obligation to accept any submitted materials for publication. The approval procedures are available from AWCI and at The appearance, reference, or advertisement of any product or service in this publication shall not be deemed an endorsement of such products, methods or services by AWCI, its directors, officers, or employees.
Publisher's Standards
AWCI makes a concerted effort not to publish any advertisement which promotes or depicts practices not in harmony with our professional Standards & Practices for Watchmakers & Clockmakers. The advertisement of generic parts, tools, and materials is allowed when such advertisement does not possess any trademarked image, brand, or name. Advertisers can refer to the items by name, function, quality, size, and description. Genuine parts can be advertised as such in accordance with the advertiser’s relationship and agreement with the manufacturer.
We encourage advertisers to reach out to our members and market goods and services which will help them to professionally service their clients and represent themselves in a way which will “reflect positively on him or her, on the AWCI, and the entire watch and clock repair industry, including all of its participants.”
– AWCI Code of Ethics